Environmental Education Programme by the ATP

As part of its collaboration with the Armenia Tree Project (ATP), the Kalaydjian Foundation organised in 2011 a series of presentations on the importance of environmental education and forest conservation, with the objective of raising the awareness and appreciation of the natural heritage of both Armenians and Cypriots. The presentations were aimed at the students of the three Narek elementary schools and were made by the ATP’s representative Ms. Alla Berberyan over the course of three days, from March the 14th through to the 16th. In addition, Ms. Berberyan also delivered a lecture to members of the Armenian Cypriot community at the Utudjian Hall in Nicosia, in which she detailed the history of the ATP and explained the nature of its activities in Armenia.

The ATP, a non-profit organisation founded in 1994, is based in Watertown, Massachusetts, and Yerevan, Armenia. It conducts vitally important environmental projects in Armenia’s impoverished and deforested zones. With around 4 million trees planted since its inception, the ATP is in the forefront of the struggle against desertification, soil erosion and water contamination in Armenia.

This visit to Cyprus by a representative of the ATP was hugely successful in raising awareness amongst Armenian Cypriot children of the importance of a healthy and sustainable environment. Narek’s students received Ms. Berberyan exceptionally warmly and actively participated in her presentations. One of the programmes currently being rolled out by the ATP is called “Building Bridges” and aims at creating links and collaboration between diasporan students and their counterparts in Armenia. During her presentations, Ms. Berberyan expressed the wish that Cyprus’ Armenian schools will lead the way in establishing contacts and sharing information and experiences with Armenia-based schools.

The Kalaydjian Foundation would like to thank Mrs. Vera Tahmazian for her staunch support for this visit, as well as the teachers of the Narek schools whose help and eagerness made Ms. Berberyan’s visit such a success.

More information on the ATP can be found at www.armeniatree.org.

The Committee of the Kalaydjian Foundation